Why does Apple still use Objective-C

We'd like to point out that our developers mostly loved programming in Objective-C and still love it for its power to deliver products. Furthermore, Objective-C is a piece of art, creators packed genius solutions and were constantly improving it, so us developers were able to use it at our advantage.

Why does Apple use Objective-C?

Why did Apple choose Objective-C for the iPhone? Because there was no reason to change, and good reasons to not change. Apple had mature Objective-C frameworks based on years of work on Mac OS X and NeXT systems.

Why does Apple still use Objective-C

Is Objective-C still used by Apple?

While Apple still supports Objective C, there aren't any updates to the language on the horizon. This means Swift is not only a newer language that has useful features Objective C lacks, but it's also receiving updates from Apple.

Why did Apple stop using Objective-C?

The move to replace Objective-C was mandated because the language has become somewhat outdated, Tiobe argues, noting that the transition has dented Apple's overall language market share a little – though its share remains dwarfed in comparison to the larger languages.

Why did Apple switched from Objective-C to Swift?

Apple haven't switched, both programming languages can be used together. Swift allows developers from different backgrounds to get started with developing on iOS and OSX much easier. A JavaScript developer would feel more comfortable using swift than Objective-C.

Is Objective-C obsolete?

Furthermore, Objective-C is a piece of art, creators packed genius solutions and were constantly improving it, so us developers were able to use it at our advantage. There are a lot of indicators telling us there's still a ton of legacy Objective-C code, both from Apple and from other developers, that's still in use.

Is Swift replacing Objective-C?

Apple positioned Swift as a replacement for Objective-C, its decades-old programming language for the company's software ecosystem.


Is Objective-C worth learning in 2023?

In 2023, both Swift and Objective-C get a similar share of Google searches, though the newer language is somewhat more popular (2.28 % for Swift vs. 2.26% for Objective-C).

Is it worth learning Objective-C in 2023?

Is Objective-C still relevant in 2023? According to the 2022 Stack Overflow Developer Survey referenced earlier, in the “Most popular technologies” category, Swift is the preferred language of 4.91% of respondents, while Objective-C is favored by just 2.39%.

Should I learn Objective-C in 2023?

Is Objective-C still relevant in 2023? According to the 2022 Stack Overflow Developer Survey referenced earlier, in the “Most popular technologies” category, Swift is the preferred language of 4.91% of respondents, while Objective-C is favored by just 2.39%.


Is Objective-C faster than Swift?

Swift is considered to be 2.5 times faster than Objective-C in developing apps. This is because we have to write less code in Swift for doing the same thing in Objective-C. Both of these languages can be used to create Apple apps, but it's been said that Swift requires 60% less code in comparison with Objective-C.

Is Objective-C harder than Swift?

For starters, Swift is easier to read and write than Objective-C. Swift also has a more concise syntax that makes it easier to understand code at a glance. In addition, Swift is more type-safe than Objective-C, meaning that it is less likely to produce unexpected results due to type mismatches.

Is Objective-C old?

Objective-C was created primarily by Brad Cox and Tom Love in the early 1980s at their company Productivity Products International (PPI). Leading up to the creation of their company, both had been introduced to Smalltalk while at ITT Corporation's Programming Technology Center in 1981.

Is Objective-C slower than C++?

If you're not getting good performance, check your algorithms; just as in any serious language. Objective-C is slower than C/C++. The reason being the runtime of Objective-C which dispatches methods lookups dynamically at runtime the same way as Smalltalk, from which it has taken over this execution model.

Should I learn Objective-C 2023?

Popularity of a Language

The more a language tutorial is searched, the more popular the language is assumed to be. In 2023, both Swift and Objective-C get a similar share of Google searches, though the newer language is somewhat more popular (2.28 % for Swift vs. 2.26% for Objective-C).

What is harder C# or C++?

C# is much easier to learn than C++. C# is a simpler, high-level-of-abstraction language, while C++ is a low-level language with a higher learning curve.


Is Python really slower than C++?

Clearly, C++ is much faster than Python in running the same algorithm and instructions. It is not a surprise to most programmers and data scientists, but the example shows that the difference is significant.

Is C# really slower than C++?

C++ is considered a native language because it compiles directly into machine code that can be understood by the underlying system. C# must first compile into Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) before the just-in-time (JIT) compiler generates machine code. For this reason, C++ is typically faster than C#.

Is C# easier then Python?

If you're wondering if C# is easier than Python, the answer is yes: the learning experience of Python is easier, though we have to admit that it's really not bad for C# either. Python also has lots of libraries that make coding a lot easier because you're not doing it from scratch.

What is 35000 times faster than Python?


Mojo is new programming language (just like python, julia etc) for AI Developers. However it is 35000 times faster that python.

Can C# be as fast as C++?

C++ code is much faster than C# code, which makes it a better solution for applications where performance is important. For instance, your network analysis software might need some C++ code, but performance is probably not a huge issue for a standard word processing application coded in C#.

Is C# faster then Python?

Python has a simpler and more straightforward syntax, which makes it easier to read and write. On the other hand, C# has a more complex syntax, which requires more attention to detail. Performance: C# is generally faster than Python because it is a compiled language.


Is C# becoming less popular?

C# is not really losing popularity. It is true that a couple of years ago it had a greater popularity than it has today but thanks to all that Microsoft is doing for it, its popularity is increasing. So yes, you could say that C# is a programming language that has kept up very well over time.

Is C++ a lot harder than C#?

Which is easier to learn, C++ or C#? C# is much easier to learn than C++. C# is a simpler, high-level-of-abstraction language, while C++ is a low-level language with a higher learning curve. Which is faster, C# or C++?

Is learning C++ easier after C#?

If the coder is familiar with Java or C++, it's very easy to move on to C#. However, moving from C# to C++ is likely more difficult for a C# developer because it's a much more low-level language. C# handles much of the overhead that must be considered in a C++ program.

Is Python 3.11 faster than C++?

Python 3.11 can be twice as fast compared to older versions of Python. Still, there is a large gap to the performance of C++, which is about 17 times faster. These results are valid only for the example code used here. A broader set of examples is required to compare the languages in general.

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